Do you coach me on my personal life or my career?

Life coaching tends to be geared more towards personal goals, and executive coaching more towards career and business, but in coaching we have the mantra, coach the whole person. All areas of your life are connected.

How long is a coaching session?

Typically one hour, though sometimes we can do shorter or longer.

What do I need to prepare for a session?

Generally the most important preparation is to do self reflection prior to the session to have a good understanding of what you’d like to achieve in that session. Getting yourself into a calm and positive mindset prior to the session will make things go smoother as well.

As the engagement continues, there will be some “homework” assignments to help you achieve your goals quicker.

Where will sessions take place?

Currently all sessions are on Zoom. You need a working microphone and camera. Smart phones work fine, but it’s easier when you are comfortable at a laptop or computer.

How much does it cost?

Costs vary depending on the type of coaching. Currently I am offering free sessions as I work towards my coaching certification so it’s a great time to sign up. The average rate for an ICF coach is $300 per session.

Is coaching confidential?

100% confidential. I won’t share any information without permission. Coaching requires a safe space where you are comfortable to be vulnerable, and that’s only possible with total trust.

What makes you qualified to be a coach?

Coaching is technically not a professional designation so anyone is qualified, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be a good coach. I am currently doing my ICF Certification which has given me a lot of knowledge to put into practice. I also have an MBA specializing in Organizational Behavior and have 10 years experience in facilitation on topics ranging from effective communication, stress management and conflict resolution.

Additionally, I co-founded Matboard and More which a multi-million dollar business that I continue to operate and manage.

The most important consideration with a coach is a good fit with the client. That’s why I offer a free introductory call to meet and talk before committing.

Is coaching just therapy but for business?

Executive Coaching which is geared towards businesses certainly gets into emotions but unlike therapy we are focused more on the future and solutions focused rather than understanding and exploring the past deeply. Therapy spends more time on why questions, where as coaching is more about the what and how.

It’s difficult to explain all the differences between coaching and therapy, and both professions are very valuable but if you try both you’ll see the approaches are quite different.

How often will we have sessions?

Twice a month is my suggestion, but we can work around your schedule.

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