Coaches are Experts at Life

False, a coach is only expert in their own life, just as you are an expert in yours. If you are looking for a Guru, coaching isn’t for you. While coaches tend to be successful in life, that’s not what makes them good coaches. Coaching is a broader approach to life and relationships which involves self responsibility and accountability, it’s not prescriptive.

Coaching Will be Hard

True if you are doing it right. Coaches will challenge your thinking and get you to dig deep. In order to make positive changes in your life, you need to be willing to put in the work. Some of that involves taking a good hard look at your life, taking responsibility and then executing on the necessary changes.

My Coach Will Tell Me What I Need To Do

False, and maybe the biggest misconception. Coaches are not wise sages who will change your life with some never before heard advice. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Coaches rarely provide direct advice, as that will lead you through a cycle of disempowerment leaving you feeling like a victim.

The mind that holds the problem, holds the solution. This is the foundation of coaching and it means that you are capable of finding the solutions to whatever challenges you are facing. In fact, most often the coachee knows the solution, the coaches job is to find out what’s getting in the way of doing it!

Coaching Results Take Years to Notice

False and true at the same time. Coaching is a life long process, even if you aren’t engaging in official sessions. As with life, there is no real destination to reach and so we are always improving and learning about how to be our best selves.

Sustainable change does take a few months at least to really be noticeable.

At the same time, in successful coaching engagements you will start making progress towards your goal immediately and should start seeing benefits from the start.

Coaching Can Only Benefit Some People Who Really Need Help

False, coaching can benefit everyone, and the biggest determinant of how successful your coaching will be is not how much help you need but how open and committed you are to the process. Coaching will help you elevate yourself regardless of whatever stage in life you are at.

Getting a Coach Means I’m Weak

False, but it’s a very common limiting belief. That to ask for help makes us weak. On the contrary, it’s when we are most vulnerable and open that we demonstrate our confidence and strength to change.

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