Coaching Articles

I’ve written some articles on coaching to help you better understand my process and what to expect. Feel free to post comments and share your thoughts with me.

Executive Coaching Banner
coaching mind map
I get asked all the time, what does it mean to be a coach? What do coaches do, and how are they different from therapists or other helping professions? A coach will work with you, in equal partnership to create positive and lasting change. There are […]
Values Based Goal Setting Flow Chart
Over the past few years I’ve had the opportunity to lead several seminars on goal setting and the more I spoke, and listened to people the more I realized a lot the traditional frameworks such as SMART don’t work very well. I knew I was really […]
Coaches are Experts at Life False, a coach is only expert in their own life, just as you are an expert in yours. If you are looking for a Guru, coaching isn’t for you. While coaches tend to be successful in life, that’s not what makes […]
Do you coach me on my personal life or my career? Life coaching tends to be geared more towards personal goals, and executive coaching more towards career and business, but in coaching we have the mantra, coach the whole person. All areas of your life are […]
list of values
How do you make the choices that make the biggest impact on your life? How do you decide pretty much everything in your life? What you believe in, what’s important to you, what you do day to day and who your friends are? These choices come […]
Life Changing Goals by Mehdi Kajbaf
See my talk on Values Based Goal Setting with MOHANDES, the Iranian Engineering group here in Canada.